One of the last months of gentle pottering before the busy gardening season begins. Enjoy the first signs of Spring, with flowering bulbs, and wildlife awakening after hibernation. Jobs for the month include prepping pots, borders and vegetable beds ready for the height of spring time. Whilst the days grow longer, stay mindful of the cold weather and unexpected frosts.
Plant lilies and other summer flowering bulbs ready for the next season
Sow wildflower seeds in trays or modules ready for your own mini meadow
Finish pruning the last of your roses early in the month
Tidy up, mulch and fertilise your borders
Begin to hoe the vegetable beds with the start of warmer weather
Plant early potatoes in the prepared vegetable plot
Later in the month, sow parsnips to kickstart their long growing season
Be sure to cover the hardy outdoor sowlings such as spinach with fleece
Open up greenhouse vents on sunny days to prevent humidity building up
Protect your new sowlings from hungry mice
Start to sow tomatoes, chillies, sweet peppers and aubergines in indoor pots
Kickstart seedlings for celeriac, celery, lettuce and parsley in the greenhouse. Later in the season, these can be moved into vegetable beds.
Garden Care
Fuel up our feathered friends as they search for best materials for their nests ahead of the breeding season
Give your lawn a spring boost and mow on dry days
Protect new spring shoots from garden pests
Attract new wildlife with a water feature or pond
Check your tools are sound, and all garden equipment and furniture is in working order